
DeFi for the PUBLISH ecosystem

To leverage the potential of DeFi (Decentralized Finance) and enhance the utility of the $NEWS token, we will offer several options that cater to different aspects of the PUBLISH 2.0 ecosystem. These models include staking, liquidity mining, lending and borrowing.

1. Staking Model


Staking allows $NEWS token holders to lock their tokens in the network to support operations such as transaction validation. In return, they earn staking rewards.


  • Staking Pools: Different pools with varying reward rates based on lock-up periods and amounts staked.

  • Dynamic Rewards: Adjusted based on network activity and overall staking participation.


  • Basic Pool: 5% APY for a minimum of 100,000 $NEWS tokens, locked for 1 month.

  • Advanced Pool: 7% APY for a minimum of 1,000,000 $NEWS tokens, locked for 3 months.

  • Premium Pool: 10% APY for a minimum of 5,000,000 $NEWS tokens, locked for 6 months.

|               Staking Pools Overview               |
| Basic Pool     | Advanced Pool   | Premium Pool    |
| Min.100K $NEWS | Min.1M $NEWS    | Min.5M $NEWS    |
| Lock: 1 month  | Lock: 3 months  | Lock: 6 months  |
| Reward: 5% APY | Reward: 7% APY  | Reward: 10% APY |

2. Liquidity Mining


Liquidity mining incentivizes $NEWS token holders to provide liquidity to decentralized exchanges (DEXs). Liquidity providers earn rewards based on the amount of liquidity they contribute.


  • LP Tokens: Users receive LP (Liquidity Provider) tokens representing their share of the liquidity pool.

  • Dual Rewards: Earn trading fees from the DEX and additional $NEWS token rewards.


  • Liquidity Pool: $NEWS/ETH pair on the DEX.

  • Rewards: 0.3% trading fee + 5% annual reward in $NEWS tokens.

|         Liquidity Mining Overview       |
| Provide liquidity to $NEWS/ETH pool     |
| Earn LP tokens representing liquidity   |
| Receive trading fees + 5% annual rewards|

3. Lending and Borrowing


A decentralized lending and borrowing platform where $NEWS token holders can lend their tokens to earn interest or borrow against their tokens.


  • Collateralization: Borrowers must provide collateral to secure loans.

  • Interest Rates: Dynamic rates based on supply and demand.


  • Lending: Lend $NEWS tokens at an interest rate of 8% APY.

  • Borrowing: Borrow $NEWS tokens with a collateral ratio of 150% and a borrowing rate of 10% APY.

|   Lending and Borrowing Overview       |
| Lend $NEWS tokens at 8% APY            |
| Borrow $NEWS with 150% collateral      |
| Borrowing rate: 10% APY                |


NewsFi™ for the $NEWS token aim to enhance its utility, encourage active participation, and foster a robust and sustainable ecosystem. By integrating staking, liquidity mining, lending and borrowing, PUBLISH 2.0 can offer diverse opportunities for token holders to engage with the platform and contribute to its growth.

Last updated