Decentralized Identifier (DID)

Decentralized Identifier (DID) provides a secure, verifiable, and privacy-preserving way to manage identities for journalists, sources, and readers. Here is a DID model for PUBLISH 2.0, specifically designed to address the unique needs of the news industry.

Key Components of the DID Model

  1. DID Creation and Management

  2. Privacy and Anonymity

  3. Verifiable Credentials

  4. Decentralized Identity Management System

  5. Use Cases in Journalism

  6. Security Measures

1. DID Creation and Management

Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) are globally unique identifiers that are created, owned, and managed by the user. They are not dependent on any centralized authority.

  • Creation: Journalists, sources, and readers can create their own DIDs using a wallet or identity management application.

  • Management: Users can manage their DIDs through secure applications, allowing them to update, revoke, or transfer their identifiers.

+------------------+     +-------------------+     +---------------------+
|  Journalist      | --> |  DID Wallet       | --> |  Blockchain         |
|  Source          |     |  Management       |     |  (DID Registry)     |
|  Reader          |     +-------------------+     +---------------------+

2. Privacy and Anonymity

Privacy is paramount in journalism to protect the identity of sources and journalists.

  • Pseudonymity: DIDs provide pseudonymous identities, ensuring that the real identities of users are not linked to their public actions.

  • Selective Disclosure: Users can share only the information necessary for a specific purpose without revealing their entire identity.

+------------------+     +-------------------+     +---------------------+
|  Journalist      | --> |  Submit Report    | --> |  News Platform      |
|  (DID & VC)      |     |  Anonymously      |     |  (Verify VC)        |
+------------------+     +-------------------+     +---------------------+

3. Verifiable Credentials

Verifiable Credentials are cryptographically signed statements about a user, issued by trusted entities.

  • Credential Issuance: News organizations can issue verifiable credentials to journalists and sources, attesting to their roles, credentials, and trustworthiness.

  • Credential Verification: Readers and other stakeholders can verify the authenticity of credentials without needing to know the real identity of the credential holder.

+------------------+     +-------------------+     +---------------------+
|  News            | --> |  Credential       | --> |  Journalist         |
|  Organization    |     |  Issuance         |     |  Source             |
|                  |     +-------------------+     +---------------------+

4. Decentralized Identity Management System

A Decentralized Identity Management System (DIMS) underpins the DID model, providing the infrastructure to manage identities and credentials.

  • Blockchain-based Ledger: DIDs and verifiable credentials are anchored on a blockchain for immutability and security.

  • Interoperability: The system supports interoperability with other DID systems and standards (e.g., W3C DID specifications).

5. Use Cases in Journalism


  • Anonymous Reporting: Journalists can use DIDs to report anonymously, protecting their identities while ensuring the credibility of their work.

  • Source Protection: Journalists can verify the identity of sources without revealing their own identity, ensuring source protection.


  • Confidential Tips: Sources can submit tips and information anonymously using their DIDs, ensuring their privacy and security.


  • Trust and Verification: Readers can verify the credentials of journalists and the authenticity of the information without compromising the privacy of journalists and sources.

6. Security Measures

Security is critical in maintaining the integrity and privacy of the DID system.

  • Cryptographic Security: All DIDs and credentials are secured using strong cryptographic algorithms.

  • Decentralized Key Management: Users manage their private keys securely, with options for key recovery and rotation.

  • Auditability: The system supports audit logs and trails, ensuring transparency and accountability without compromising user privacy.

Example Scenario: Anonymous Reporting

  1. Journalist Creates DID:

    • A journalist uses a decentralized wallet to create a DID.

    • The DID is registered on a blockchain, ensuring it is globally unique and verifiable.

  2. News Organization Issues Credential:

    • The news organization issues a verifiable credential to the journalist, confirming their role and affiliation.

    • The credential is cryptographically signed and linked to the journalist’s DID.

  3. Journalist Submits Anonymous Report:

    • The journalist submits a report using their DID, without revealing their real identity.

    • The verifiable credential ensures that the news organization can trust the report’s source.

  4. Readers Verify Credentials:

    • Readers can verify the journalist’s credentials using the DID and the signature, ensuring the report’s credibility.

    • The real identity of the journalist remains protected.


The DID model for PUBLISH 2.0 provides a robust and privacy-preserving framework for managing identities in journalism. By leveraging DIDs and verifiable credentials, the platform can ensure the privacy and security of journalists and sources while maintaining trust and credibility. This model supports anonymous reporting, source protection, and verifiable trust, essential for the integrity and sustainability of the journalism ecosystem.

Last updated