
Advertisers are newly included in the PUBLISH 2.0 tokenomics model to ensure a sustainable revenue stream, provide additional incentives for publishers, news creators, enhance the utility of $NEWS tokens, and drive platform engagement and growth. By integrating advertisers into the ecosystem, PUBLISH 2.0 can create a more dynamic, rewarding, and sustainable environment for all participants.

Key Components

  1. Advertisers and Ad Space Purchase

  2. Ad Revenue Sharing Pool

  3. Reward Distribution

  4. Token Flow and Tokenomic Impact

1. Advertisers and Ad Space Purchase

Advertisers can use $NEWS tokens or stablecoins to purchase ad space on the platform. This ad space can be targeted to specific audiences based on content type and user demographics.

  • Targeted Advertising: Advertisers can target their ads to specific user segments to increase ad effectiveness.

  • Ad Space Purchase: Advertisers buy ad space using $NEWS tokens.

2. Ad Revenue Sharing Pool

Ad Revenue Sharing Pool is created to distribute a portion of the ad revenue to publishers, and users.

  • Revenue Collection: $NEWS tokens paid by advertisers for ad space are collected into the Ad Revenue Sharing Pool.

  • Revenue Allocation: A portion of this pool is distributed to content creators, publishers, and users based on engagement metrics and contribution.

3. Revenue Distribution

Distribution Mechanism ensures fair and proportional sharing of ad revenue.

  • Publishers: Receive a share of the ad revenue for hosting and managing content based on the engagement their content generates.

  • Users: Earn rewards for interacting with ads and engaging with the platform.

4. Token Flow and Economic Impact

Token Flow illustrates how $NEWS tokens circulate within the ecosystem, promoting economic activity and engagement.

Token Flow:

  1. Advertisers → Ad Revenue Pool:

    • Advertisers purchase ad space using $NEWS tokens.

    • Flow: $NEWS tokens are added to the Ad Revenue Sharing Pool.

  2. Ad Revenue Pool → Publishers:

    • Publishers receive a share of the ad revenue based on the engagement their content generates.

    • Flow: $NEWS tokens are distributed to publishers.

  3. Ad Revenue Pool → Readers:

    • Readers earn rewards for interacting with ads and engaging with the platform.

    • Flow: $NEWS tokens are distributed to readers.

Tokenomic Impact:

  • Increased Demand for $NEWS Tokens: As advertisers purchase ad space, the demand for $NEWS tokens rises.

  • Enhanced Utility: $NEWS tokens gain more utility by being used for advertising and revenue sharing.

  • Engagement and Growth: Incentivizing user engagement with ads promotes platform growth and user activity.

  • Revenue Generation: Publishers and readers earn additional revenue streams through ad placements and engagement rewards.

Last updated